Top 10 Open Source Data Labelling Tools for Computer Vision

Enhance your next computer vision project by leveraging one of the following open-source data labelling tools. In the realm of computer vision, open-source data labelling tools play a crucial role in training models effectively. We have now curated 13 open-source tools for you that empower AI teams to annotate and label their datasets for robust machine learning models.

Best Open-Source Computer Vision Tools List


Xtreme1 is an all-in-one open-source platform for multimodal training data. It unlocks efficiency in data annotation, curation, and ontology management for tackling machine learning challenges in computer vision and LLM. The platform’s AI-fueled tools elevate your annotation to the next efficiency level, powering your projects in 2D/3D Object Detection, 2D/3D Semantic/Instance Segmentation, and LiDAR-Camera Fusion like never before.

✅ Data Annotation
✅ Curation
✅ Ontology Management
✅ Supports 2D/3D Object Detection, Semantic/Instance Segmentation, and LiDAR-Camera Fusion
✅ AI-Fueled Tools

Xtreme1 from BasicAI

—– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– is an innovative open-source web annotation tool. It supports various annotation techniques, including 2D image bounding boxes, semantic segmentation, drivable area, lane marking, 3D point cloud bounding boxes, and video tracking.

✅ Object Tracking

✅ Project Management

✅ Stable

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RectLabel is an open-source image annotation tool designed for bounding box object detection and segmentation. It supports various annotation tools, including bounding box, polygon, cubic-bezier, line, and point.

✅ Draw Tools

✅ Automatic Labelling

✅ Read and Write in PASCAL VOC XML Format


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MakeSense.AI is a free and open-source online web tool for image annotation. It utilizes the open-source COCO SSD object detection model and POSE-NET pose estimation for annotations.

✅ Object Detection Model: COCO SSD

✅ Pose Estimation: POSE-NET

✅ Quick Operations

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VGG Image Annotator (VIA)

VGG Image Annotator (VIA) is an open-source and free image annotation tool that can also be used offline. It offers multiple annotating tools and supports video annotation.

✅ Multiple Annotating Tools

✅ Video Annotation

✅ Suitable for Team Cooperation

✅ Export Format: COCO

VGG Image Annotator Tool

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Imglab is an open-source web-based tool to label images for objects. It can be used to train dlib or other object detectors. It supports various datasets and comes with plugin support.

✅ Label Tools

✅ Supports Various Datasets

✅ No Installation Required

✅ Privacy and Security Assured

Imglab Annotator Tool

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CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool)

Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) is a free and open-source web-based image and video annotation tool developed by Intel. It supports object detection, image classification, and image segmentation.

✅ Annotation Types: Object Detection, Image Classification, Image Segmentation

✅ Semi-Automatic Annotation

✅ Interpolation of Shapes

✅ Export Format: COCO

CVAT Labelling Tool

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LabelImg is a graphical open-source image annotation tool that labels object bounding boxes in images. It’s extremely easy to install and is suitable for beginners.

✅ Annotations Format: XML (PASCAL VOC)

✅ On-Premise Tool

✅ Simple and Quick


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LabelMe is an industry classic, free, open-source image annotation tool developed using Qt. It supports polygon, rectangle, circle, line, and point annotation tools.

✅ File List (Task List)

✅ Multiple Annotation Tools

✅ Control Points Modification


—– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– —– is developed to make open-source data annotation easy and fun. It’s gamified, allowing you to earn rewards through annotations. It supports the mobile version for on-the-go annotation.

✅ Works Like a Game

✅ Supports Mobile Version

✅ Collects Accurate Data for ML

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VoTT (Visual Object Tagging Tool)

VoTT (Visual Object Tagging Tool) is a free and open-source image annotation and labelling tool was developed by Microsoft (No Longer Actively Maintained!). It provides end-to-end support for generating datasets and validating object detection models from video and image assets.

✅ Active Learning Feature

✅ Export Formats: Azure Custom Vision Service, CSV, CNTK, Pascal VOC, Tensorflow Records, VoTT Json

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We hope you enjoyed exploring these open-source tools that can help empower your next computer vision project!